Instrumentals Beats

>> Wednesday, April 16, 2014

By Mya Jones

Music is a language that has a major advantage over all global languages. It's universal. People from all over the world can interpret and understand the message behind it. Just like any other form of art it speaks to the masses without barriers.

Instrumental music has many uses and comes in various forms. It can be used as church bells echoing through the city at certain times of the day, Babies listen to the chimes and jingles to help them sleep. Indigenous ethnic groups dance to it and celebrate. Buddhist monks meditate to it. Rap artists or poets perform to it.

Sometimes music can be much more appreciated without vocals and lyrics for a number of reasons.Words to a song can be a distraction to the listener depending their activities. whether you're studying or running errands listening to instrumental music can help you stay focus.

If you're an artist, musician, or entertainment company, finding the right beat could most definitely be the key to success. Music is used for just about everything in our society. Business, sports, health, Entertainment, Marketing, are some of the many vehicles for beats.

Like mother nature, music is arguably one of the most powerful influence over the world. Civilizations evolve from it as well as the history of humanity. It has been used during battles and wars, Rituals, and ceremonies all over the world.

Hip Hop beats are definitely a hot commodity in today's market of supply and demand. Millions and millions of dollars are invested in it for many purposes. Advertisements, sports,video games, marketing campaigns,health and wellness, are to name a few.

The gaming industry is the most highest grossing business in the entertainment world and they love instrumental music. They go hand in hand like husband and wife. Sometimes the musical scores are more enticing than the game itself . So enticing that if your lucky you might even find a place to download the entire soundtrack to it.

One of the biggest influences that instrumental music has on the masses is through Hip Hop. Beats and instrumentals are circulated around the market like stocks and bonds. It's a very lucrative market which is why so much money is invested in it. Rappers, dancers, singers, businesses, and entertainment companies spend millions on it to achieve their success. All it takes for the artist is that one hot heavy hitting beat to launch their career straight into kingdom come.

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